Friday, May 13, 2011

Weather Report from 12 Mile Creek

As happens almost every year, Mother Nature switches "winter temperatures" OFF, and flips "summer temperatures" ON.  It's been between 75F - 82F for the past few days.

Oh, I am NOT complaining, it feels wonderful.  Our backyard is an orchard with apple, pear, cherry and peach trees. There are also wild apple and Choke cherry trees; Dave has planted blue and blackberry bushes.  The buds have been flowering, and the scents wafting from that area are heady! The lilacs will be out any day!

It's almost a guilty pleasure with the Mississippi River flooding, and draughts in other parts of the country. We have had some flooding too. The creeks and rivers here came close to causing damage. As far as I know, most of the damage had to do with basements and cellars filling ...most folks have sump pumps, though.  However, we are having a wet, but beautiful, spring.  The farmers may be one or two weeks behind. It was difficult for them to get out on their fields to plow and plant.

Dave and I moved "down" to the southern tier of NYS from Rochester, NY,  because we'd had enough of city-life. Not to say that when the children were growing up and we were working, it wasn't convenient. It was.

 However, our "quiet neighborhood" was being turned into apartments. A single residence which used to have one or two cars now had three or more vehicles! It started to become noisy at all hours.

So here we are. The weather, for the most part, is moderate. We still have "lake affect," but now its a combination of Lakes Erie and Ontario!  We sometimes get more snow than other areas, and depending on the wind, or the Alberta Clipper from Canada, it could miss us by a mile!

Yes, we have a tractor with a snowblower, bucket, and lawnmower!

Right now it is 4 p.m. and 75degrees...a soft breeze is coming through the open window to my right.

It feels like rain. The dog heard the thunder before we did (and is telling us about it).

Bright blessings to all!

1 comment:

  1. Pamela,

    I will read these every week. I feel this is a great way to keep up with what is going on your life.

    Take care and blessings!

    Richard Tenace


About Me

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Live in a beautiful area of NYS with husband Dave,GSD Shatzie,& Mimi and Mollie (cats).Avid reader,essay & commentary writer, and intuitive tarot "reader." Certified hypnotherapist; Reiki Master; Bachelors from American Institute of Holistic Theology (Metaphysical Sciences),Masters Equivalent from Womens Institute of Thealogy (Madison,WI); Integ. Energy Healer;published in SageWoman, Of a Like Mind, Crone Chronicles,Keltic Fringe, Alcoholism & Addiction magazine. 31+ years 12 Step recovery; Progressive philosophy; Ordained interfaith minister by Rev.Patricia Price, LilyDale, NY; 100% spiritual/0% religious (altho' tolerant of all).Am a fan of satire and irony; 3 daughters (1 in Rochester, NY and 2 in Florida.)Granddaughter in Palm Coast,FL. Firmly believe in "green." Fan of: Law & Order:SVU; Criminal Minds; The Good Wife;Blue Bloods; Lawrence O'Donnell and Rachel Maddow on MSNBC; college and pro Football